References and Legals

*Individual response may vary. Treatment should be initiated as soon as possible following onset of signs and symptoms of a cold sore and should be continued for 5 days. If healing has not occurred, treatment can be continued for up to 10 days 2.


  1. Spruance, S. L., et al. Acyclovir Cream for Treatment of Herpes Simplex Labialis: Results of Clinical Trials. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. 46, 2238–2243 (2002).
  2. For full prescribing information refer to the Professional Information approved by the medicines regulatory authority.
  3. IQVIA. IMS Data D6D Top Viral INF Products. February 2022.
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  10. InformedHealth.Org (Internet). How effective are creams and tablets for the treatment of cold sores?? Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) 6 -8 (2006).
  11. Mayo Clinic. Cold sore [online] [cited 2018 November 28.]; Available from URL:
  12. InformedHealth.Org (Internet). Can cold sores be prevented? Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) (2018).
  13. American Academy of Dermatology Association. 7 dermatologists tips for healing fry, chapped lips. American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) (2020).
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  16. Cold Sores (Oral Herpes, Fever Blister). The Facts. Accessed 29 March 2021
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Scheduling status: Scheduling status s1 trxt Proprietary Name (and dosage form): ACITOP cream. Pharmacological Classification: A 20.2.8. Antiviral agent. Composition: Each gram of cream contains 50 mg of Acyclovir. (5.0 % w/w Acyclovir). Preservative: Chlorocresol 0.12 % m/m. Reg. No. 32/20.2.8/0719. Marketed by: iNova Pharmaceuticals (Pty) Limited. Co. Reg. No. 1952/001640/07, 15E Riley Road, Bedfordview. Tel. No. 011 087 0000. For full prescribing information, refer to the package insert as approved by the SAHPRA (South African Health Products Regulatory Authority). For more information speak to your healthcare professional. IN3992/21